About Us
Kirk & Sarah…
We’re on staff with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). Together, we’ve accumulated 40+ years of experience in ministry—22 specifically in the arts. Since 2014 we have led the arts organization Friday Arts Project (an independent 501c3 group) based in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Sarah is a graphic designer and painter. She lived in Georgia for a few years after college where she pursued studies as an illustrator before moving to Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh she worked for a specialty item printing company as an “in-house” graphic artist. In 1999 she migrated to Orlando, Florida to join the graphic design team of the Campus Ministry of Cru where she spent the next 14 years. A few of those years she was Art Director overseeing all design elements of the Campus Ministry creative team at Cru headquarters. With Friday Arts Project she has continued her design efforts and increased pursuing her love of painting with oils.
Kirk—along with a NYU Film student—started the arts ministry Transform for the Metro Campus Ministry two years after he arrived in New York City in 1998. For ten years he lived in Manhattan working with collegiate and professional artists. He was a member of the board of directors for the International Arts Movement from 2005 to 2008—serving as its president for 1 year. While living in Orlando, Florida, Kirk did two years of seminary work at Reformed Theological Seminary; the equivalent of a Theological Studies degree (though he is contemplating more study). He used this opportunity to take some of the ideas in cultural engagement and the arts through a more rigorous theological structure.
We’ve been married since October 6, 2007.
We partner with a non-profit arts organization called Friday Arts Project. As Executive Director (Kirk) and Creative Director (Sarah) of Friday Arts Project in Rock Hill, South Carolina, the work we do is very similar to what Kirk did while working with the International Arts Movement in New York City. We mentor and disciple artists who love Jesus—both collegiate and professional—and we also create space to engage artists and friends of the Arts from any religious background. We do this by convening Bible studies or discussion groups, etc. from our home—or wherever is convenient—depending on the need or desire of the artists we work with. We also help plan and facilitate events like art shows, concerts, lectures, etc. that create space for people to enter into significant conversations where opportunities for the gospel and its values are cultivated. See our vision page for more details.
Cru’s vision is to build spiritual movements everywhere so that everybody knows somebody that truly follows Jesus.

What is Bird and Key?
Bird and Key is our personal brand derived from a nickname and some stationary.
Sarah was called “Sarah bird” by her grandmother when she was young and she adopted the name “artchickee” as an email and website name.
While Kirk and Sarah were dating, he wrote Sarah poetry on stationary that had some keys imprinted on it. Sarah took one of those keys, adjusted it, and combined it with a bird and together they make “Bird and Key”.