
Christmas Party at the Perch

Christmas Party at the Perch

  Last night we had our annual Christmas Party at our home, The Perch. It is a tradition we started soon after moving here and have continued. It flowed out of a series of drawing times we have done for the last 4 years of characters from Charles Dickens "A...


In 1998 I moved to NYC mainly because Cru's Metro Team at the time had formed a partnership with Redeemer Presbyterian Church and I wanted to be a part of that partnership. I had been spending my summers starting in 1995 in NYC for the summer project's there and every...

Rejoice Together – part 2

Rejoice Together – part 2

“So that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together.” Jesus of Nazareth, The Gospel of John It has been my experience that the emphasis of this verse is on the “reaping”—the gleaning of the fruit, ​corresponding to the​ practice in​ ministry of looking...

Rejoice Together

Rejoice Together

“Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another...

15 years…

August 25, 2011 (rev 09-09-16) I had always thought I’d get to the top of them…but it could wait, after all they would always be there. The morning started like it normally did for me – reluctant to leave sleep but looking forward to seeing the students. Knowing that...

The making of a Christmas Card

                    A few years ago Sarah’s friend, Audrey, purchased a small early 20th century hand letterpress that until recently was in storage. Since we live in a community of artists, someone is always...

Spring into Summer update…

Hello Friends and Family, We just wanted to give you a quick update of what has been happening with us the last few months. This June marks 9 months we have lived in The Perch - our house. There has been a lot of work - both inside and out -  happening on it as we...

Paradox and Astonishment – Jean-Luc Marion quote

Some opening lines to ponder of a new book I (Kirk) am starting: “In itself, perspective exercises a paradox…The paradox attests to the visible, while at the same time opposing itself, or rather while inverting itself; literally, it constitutes a counter-visible, a...

Poem – a way to name and remember

I've been reading a book called An Unexpected Light by a friend, Dave Mahan. It's about poetry's ability to recall, challenge and change things—specifically in the Christian concept of 'witness'. I came across this quote where Dave is summarizing the thoughts of...

Kirk’s eye

“…it's not everyone God can trust with trouble...” …words a friend sent to me days after my eye surgery. He had just shared some of his own recent health obstacles with me via our internet chat and we both were thankful that God was present even in adversity. I...