May 2018 | We share our lives with them…
We share our lives with them…
“The verse it reminds me of is when Paul says ‘we loved them so much we shared our lives with them’” said Dennissa to us after a few days in Rock Hill.
…we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.”
Dennissa’s Visit | selfie #2
after our leadership meeting with the Foxes and students—Traleeya and Lydia from Winthrop University
So, in early February we picked her up at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport for a jam-packed week of events. We had planned a Curator’s Codex (David McGaw from last month’s newsletter) as well as our usual annual celebration of Mardi Gras—the way our community anticipates Easter. These, along with several on-going events and meetings made for a pretty full time.
After just a couple days into her visit, we noticed a dramatic shift in Dennissa’s demeanor. To her credit, she jumped right in to help us from the start, and after seeing what we do and how we do it and who we do it with, we believe it profoundly changed her mind about spending a few years with us in ministry. Toward the end of the week, as we were evaluating her time, she summed up what we have seen God create in our community with her paraphrase of Paul’s words to the Thessalonians, “we loved them so much we shared our lives with them.” She was in, and immediately began to make plans to get back to us as soon as possible.
Last time we talked with Dennissa she had about 60% of her funds raised and is planning to move to Rock Hill in June. Please pray for her success in this!
Our team is expanding, and we too need prayer as it seems evident that God wants to use us to help prepare more artists to extend His Kingdom.
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Please Pray
We have an art show for artists in our community happening in August. Please pray for the details of that show and favorable interactions with our neighbors and community friends.
For our long overdue support-raising efforts. (see updates)
Friday Arts Project on FB
* For more information about Friday Arts Project, visit their Facebook page.
Sometimes we’d like to share about the people that we are journeying with in a not so public place—that’s why we’ve moved our Bird and Key news to this password-protected space. Please feel free to browse through some of our past newsletters and the new content we will be adding.