October 2011 | Kirk lectures on Beauty

Beauty resides where Truth and Goodness meet Mystery
—Kirk Irwin
Dear Friends,
In October we had the opportunity to visit our friends in Rock Hill, South Carolina. A few years ago they started an arts community called “Friday Arts Project” made up mostly of artists who graduated from Winthrop University, and their friends.
Friday Arts Project is dedicated to,
“…working out questions of life and faith while pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty with our work. We provide a forum for dialogue enabling artists to inspire, engage, and create toward the renewal of hearts and culture.”
They are so committed to this noble end that they rented a studio space in downtown Rock Hill and have actively participated in the life and formation of the Rock Hill community…some are even currently starting a church plant in the downtown area called Hill City Church.*
At the heart of the leadership of this group are some former students who participated in the Tribeca Summer Arts Project—the project we’ve given leadership to over the last 8 years. These are people we’ve worked with to help them formulate a biblical worldview that respectfully addresses the arts and constrains them to take the true meaning of the gospel to the full breadth and depth of their community. They would not only like to see people come to see the Truth of Jesus, but also enjoy the full blessings of the fruit of his purpose here on earth.
In downtown Rock Hill, SC, Friday Arts Project invited their friends and acquaintances to their studio space for a lecture and discussion on the topic of “Beauty.” I (Kirk) lectured for a time, followed by an open discussion. My three points on Beauty were: What is Beauty? Where does Beauty come from? And why is Beauty important? {Much of this content is available on our blog: birdandkey.blogspot.com.}
About 40–50 people showed up and our time of interaction was quite vigorous—there was genuine inquiry with responses from one another’s thoughts on the topic of Beauty. It was humbling and exciting. Thanks to your giving and prayers this kind of event is possible.

IN THE STUDIO Part of the crowd of 40–50 people that gathered in Rock Hill, SC
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Friday Arts Project on FB
* For more information about Friday Arts Project, visit their Facebook page.