JUNE 2018 | Chairs

Jun 12, 2018 | NEWS 2018, NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE

Chairs…Van Gogh painted several, and if you Google “paintings of chairs” you will find an extensive collection of them by a variety of artists and mediums.

Seems a mundane theme—painting or drawing a chair? However, one of the unique things about an artist’s eye is seeing the beauty in even the most innocuous subject. Vincent Van Gogh was fascinated enough by them to paint his chair with his pipe on the seat, and he even painted his good friend Gauguin’s chair with a candle and some books on the seat.

(from left) Chair with a pipe & Paul Gauguin’s Armchair by Vincent van Gogh

And if you are still not convinced, think about how Jesus is described at this very moment in the Apostle’s Creed, the oldest Christian creed—“sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty”…sitting.

our drawing nite group—drawing a model in a chair

Each month we have two “drawing nites” planned into our event calendar. This spring we have been drawing/painting the theme of chairs, and people sitting in chairs. At summer’s end, we will gather the best works from the artists who attend our drawing nites and exhibit them in the hallway gallery we curate—called the Courtroom Gallery. The reception for the show will include an interactive element—stay tuned for more info!

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Please Pray

For our artists and the artifacts they create.

For our preparations for the gallery show in August—that God would help us serve and use the space we create for His glory.

That God would work in the hearts of the artists & students that we continue to interact with and that He would bear fruit in their lives.

For our personal financial support—(hasn’t changed from last month)
The graph below shows the percentage of current support we have.


How close are we to being fully-funded?

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 Sometimes we’d like to share about the people that we are journeying with in a not so public place—that’s why we’ve moved our Bird and Key news to this password-protected space. Please feel free to browse through some of our past newsletters and the new content we will be adding.

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* For more information about Friday Arts Project, visit their Facebook page.