August 2019 | the Arts and Prayer
It’s been a traveling summer for us; to Texas, Colorado and parts in between! Part of the trip was spent at Cru’s biennial National Staff Conference. The purpose of the conference is to help resource and refresh Cru staff from all across the nation through corporate worship, speakers, and fellowship. The most encouraging part for us was connecting with old friends and meeting new ones and hearing how their ministries were going.
Cru Arts & Culture—our particular ministry focus—hosted an event On Sunday night, July 21st. Our team partnered with the Transform Arts team to put on an open house for the arts. We hosted a gallery opening in a local hostel. There was live music, poetry, performance art, visual art and more, all by staff with Cru Arts & Culture. One of our team—Dennissa—performed a piece she calls, “take what you need”. It was such an encouraging evening for us to get to share some of what we do with our fellow staff outside of our focus in the Arts and it was very well received—we even had a few “walk-ins” from neighbors who wanted to see what was going on.
Throughout the week, Cru national leadership constantly pointed back to our commitment as a movement to partner with the Church and other ministries so that we can fully reach our scope. In 2017, God connected national leaders of Cru and InterVarsity in a providential, unexpected meeting. As they talked about their visions for college campuses in America, the question arose: “What can we do together that we couldn’t do apart?”
That seemingly chance encounter between leaders turned into EveryCampus. The vision of EveryCampus is to seek God together for revival by making gospel movements possible on every campus.
“If, indeed, there is a hope…for human flourishing in the contemporary world, it begins when the Word of shalom becomes flesh in us and is enacted through us toward those with whom we live…When the Word of all flourishing—defined by the love of Christ—becomes flesh in us, in our relations with others, within the tasks we are given, and within our spheres of influence…the word we speak to each other and to the world becomes authentic and trustworthy. This is the heart of the theology of faithful presence.” —James Davison Hunter, from To Change the World
We were excited to hear about this partnership and the opportunity to participate in what God is already doing on college campuses across the nation. If you feel led to prayer walk a campus—or neighborhood (these ideas are easily adaptable)—or know others who would be interested, provides an easy-to-follow prayer walk guide (that includes this inspiring video below).
Here’s how:
- Go to
- Search for the campuses near you.
- Request the prayer walk guide.
- Prayer walk your selected campuses before the end of 2019.
- Log your prayer walk on:
We are excited to hear what happens as you practice “faithful presence” and pray for your community.
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Please Pray
For our artists and the artifacts they create.
We will be giving handmade sketchbooks to incoming students at Winthrop University next week. Please pray for those interactions.
For our personal financial support.
We had no major incidents while traveling. However, we did have to replace our windshield, but that was covered by insurance 🙂
How close are we to being fully-funded?
Be a Patron
Sometimes we’d like to share about the people that we are journeying with in a not so public place—that’s why we’ve moved our Bird and Key news to this password-protected space. Please feel free to browse through some of our past newsletters and the new content we will be adding.
Friday Arts Project on FB
* For more information about Friday Arts Project, visit their Facebook page.