Making adjustments

Jan 31, 2023 | NEWS 2023, NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE | 0 comments

Believe it or not we have been in Rock Hill doing ministry to the art community and beyond for nine years now. Before that I had been doing ministry in the arts since the early 2000s and Sarah with her design work longer than that. We are no less committed to inviting people to see the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus through our work in the arts now than in the past. But we do want to do it as effectively as possible.

Because of that we have decided to adjust Sarah’s status with Cru. She will be affiliate staff. We are doing this for multiple reasons.

For the time we have lived in Rock Hill she has increased her art production—painting more, designing more. She has curbed this work to a degree because of her status with Cru but going to affiliate status frees her up to do more. This will increase her integrity with artists—especially the ones she knows and the ones she will meet. It’s important that artists are making and selling work as it is a part of their lives. I can’t tell you the number of conversations she has gotten into with other artists about what she is working on, “can I see it?”, “what’s the medium?”, “how do you price them?”, “what galleries are you in?”, and so on. She has actually helped artists think through their art making and has created ongoing relationships as a result. Cru has been gracious in allowing us to live in this “in-between” zone, but now Sarah going affiliate places her fully in the “artist” realm.

What changes?

Very little. Both of us will still be on staff with Cru and running Friday Arts Project, only with different statuses – I will be full time, Sarah will be affiliate. As mentioned above, Sarah will increase her making of art—painting and designing. Pray for favor in this. If she can get art shows and gallery representation that helps us in several ways, ministry to artists and the art world, and funds though the sale of her art. As it has been for the years we have done this ministry we have always lived with about 65% of our funds raised. Graciously, God has allowed us to continue to thrive, even with the shortfall. It is also our hope that some of the ~35% can be garnered through Sarah’s art making. Switching her to Affiliate Cru staff allows her to remain in ministry and also make money through her creativity.

What doesn’t change?

We are both still committed to living in the zone between the Church and the Art World and continuing to live and minister for Jesus for as long as He wants. Our hours will be spent working with and for artists as before. Your continued giving will be used by both of us as Sarah will still have ministry costs and healthcare through my status as full-time Cru staff.

We are both excited and a little trepidatious about this next chapter, but it is one we believe God has been guiding us toward for a long time and now is the time. We are so grateful for your continued giving and prayers—thank you. Also if you have any questions at all about this change please do not hesitate to call, text, or email either of us.





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Please Pray

>>Pray the prayer with us that we try to pray before every event, "Jesus, help us be a part of someone's next step toward you."

>>Kirk has already given one of his three talks this Fall for our Curator's Codex Series. We are planning further talks by other speakers next Winter-Spring. Pray for success and many attendees to these events.

>>Please pray that God would continue to provide for our financial support in the recent loss of the monthly support of our church. We dearly love this worthwhile ministry. If you know someone who would appreciate what we do please share our info with them.


How close are we to being fully-funded?


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* For more information about Friday Arts Project, visit their Facebook page.