September 2016 | S Korea & S Carolina connection
We first met Laura when we were making our frequent visits through Rock Hill on our way up to see Kirk’s family and friends in the northeast. She became involved in Friday Arts Project (FriArts) while she was a grad student at Winthrop University—studying Art Education. She also joined Hill City Church, along with several other FriArts leaders, when it was first planted.
Laura recalled, “When Kirk and Sarah came to Rock Hill to begin working full-time with FriArts, I was overjoyed. I was excited to see what God would do with the organization with them in leadership. One of the biggest impacts that they had on Friday Arts Project and myself was to challenge many of us to step up into positions of leadership in name and in responsibility. I had been too afraid to do anything like that before. God used them to call me to be more deeply involved in Friday Arts Project. It was a joy to work with them on the leadership team and to watch the Holy Spirit work through all of us as we worked on events… ”
Laura has been very active with FriArts—even serving as its first Board President. Sarah has been unquestionably appreciative of Laura’s input and energy, especially in moments of event preparation where Laura has been an energetic and creative support.
Laura has decided to accept a post with NICS (Network of International Christian Schools) and take her experience and expertise overseas to serve as an art teacher at an international school in Seoul, South Korea. She will not be a complete stranger there, since 2 families from Hill City have already gone to this school in Korea—one being Hill City Church’s first pastor and family.
For six months prior to her departure in August, Laura and Sarah met weekly to talk and pray for her and the next two years of her life in Korea. Laura went on to say, “Sarah was one of the first people I told when I started praying about a teaching position in Seoul. She and Kirk were very supportive of my seeking this new direction that God was leading me in my calling. When I had been accepted to the position I asked Sarah to pray with me weekly. I wanted Sarah because I knew she understood my calling as an artist and a teacher and that both of the callings can be used to help show the love of Jesus to often overlooked groups. Even as I write this in my apartment in Seoul I can tell the difference that our prayer times made in my experiences here so far and I know that God will continue to be faithful in answering our prayers. I thank God Kirk and Sarah and their unwavering support before I left on my adventure in Seoul!”
We will miss Laura greatly but are very excited about the next chapter of her life and are grateful that we could have a small impact on her life.
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Please Pray
For Laura in her teaching & ministry to students at the Yongsan International School of Seoul in Seoul, S. Korea.

Laura with some fellow teachers wearing the traditional Korean style of dress—more commonly known as hanbok.
For our personal financial support. We still have a monthly amount to raise and are taking steps to fill it. Pray for favor and many new supporters as we’d like to see this alleviated.
For our car—since we are a one-car family, a 12 year-old car with over 200K miles is becoming a bit more unreliable. Pray that God may provide a new car for us soon.
For our spiritual health—that our marriage and relationship with God would continue to grow.
We’re so very grateful to have had donations to cover about 65% of our medical bills for Kirk’s appendix surgery.
We’ve officially established non-profit 501(c)(3) status for the Friday Arts Project! More about that later.
Sometimes we’d like to share about the people that we are journeying with in a not so public place—that’s why we’ve moved our Bird and Key news to this password-protected space. Please feel free to browse through some of our past newsletters and the new content we will be adding.