The International Arts Movement (their website here) recently opened a new resources page. It features some of the talks recorded at their conferences from the last few years. I was just listening today to part of Jeff Speck’s talk on the New Urbanism, and the importance of HOW we build our communities. The way a community is laid out affects how that community relates. My favorite quotes from Jeff are when he talks about giving prominent spaces in our communities to buildings that deserve that honor…like schools, and churches…very interesting stuff. Take advantage of the content…it’s worth it. Click here for the resource page.

In case you don’t know what IAM is, it is the organization that I worked with for just about all of my 10 years in New York City. It is the organization that Sarah and I hope to serve alongside when we return there.

If you are of a creative mindset or an artist in some form you might want to check out IAM’s upcoming IAM “Encounter 11” in March (click here for details). Even if you are a friend of the arts or a leader in your church or community this would be a great place to get a sense of the artists heart.
