“…it’s not everyone God can trust with trouble…” …words a friend sent to me days after my eye surgery. He had just shared some of his own recent health obstacles with me via our internet chat and we both were thankful that God was present even in...
by Kirk | ART, BLOG, Poetry
He had heard of the word “selfie” but had never taken one. In his way, he stated this question, “I suppose it’s a photograph you take of yourself?” Moments later Sarah and I took a “selfie” with Irish poet, Micheal O’Siadhail. His very first. Looking at the result he...
by Kirk | ART, BLOG, EVENT, Poetry
These were my opening remarks at our Arts Forum, Dazzle Gradually: The allure of Poetic Truth-Bearing, on January 31st through February 1st, 2014. The video at the end is a short summary of what happened. Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies,...
by Kirk | ART, BLOG, CHURCH, Ministry
We have really benefited from being a part of a close community here in Rock Hill. The mission statement for our church is “Pursuing the Good, True, and Beautiful of Jesus for the flourishing of Rock Hill”. Last night in a membership class we talked about...
by Kirk | ART, BLOG, Poetry
Life seems to be a delicate balance between what we do and do not know—dialogues occur, rebounding between those two territories. Pride is carried like a hidden king, sometimes wielded like a two-edged sword or a self-deprecating whisper. Like Pontius Pilate I ask,...