June 2015 | Soularium design refresh

a well-established and much used ministry tool gets a face-lift “We must go join the conversation where it’s happening—or we’ll be ignored,” says Neil Downey, a fellow Cru staff member—like Sarah, he works behind the scenes. “In Acts 17, Paul demonstrates his...
April 2015 | Ongoing Events

April 2015 | Ongoing Events

Some of you have probably wondered what exactly we do day to day or week to week in our work here in Rock Hill. So we want to share some of the weekly and monthly ongoing activities we do to create space for God to work—because we believe God works in the midst of...

September 2014 | Summer Summary

With the first days of Fall upon us and the chill beginning to descend we thought it would be good to give you all a summary of our summer. You, of course know about the two major things that occurred: the finalization of the purchase of our home and Kirk’s eye...