A friend of ours posted this story (click here) about a veteran Rockette and how Jesus impacted...
Fujimura interview…
Thought this might interest you. This is an interview Mako did recently that he has said is one of...
A Four Gospels update…
FYI...a show has been arranged in NYC at the Dillon Gallery and a website for pre-orders posted...
A friend’s letter…
My friend painter Makoto Fujimura (www.makotofujimura.com) recently wrote a letter (click here) to...
Another Inkling…
Hey all,Most people, when thinking about The Inklings, think of its more famous individuals Lewis...
A quick one…
Hey friends,We are here in NYC for 10 days helping out with an International Arts Movement event...
1st Anniversary
Tonight marks the 1 year anniversary of our wedding. Last year at this time our reception was...
At our HQ…
Hello All,Sarah and I live in Orlando, of course, which is where the headquarters for our...
Gems in the morning…
I was up this morning around 1:30, reading and thinking about life and future and I came across...