
15 years…

August 25, 2011 (rev 09-09-16) I had always thought I’d get to the top of them…but it could wait, after all they would always be there. The morning started like it normally did for me – reluctant to leave sleep but looking forward to seeing the students. Knowing that...

Where we now work…

I thought it would be cool to send you all a series of photos to give you an idea of where we now work. Our environment is wonderfully unique and visually beautiful. We are looking forward to connecting with people, instigating events, and seeing people have a chance...

The first one without…

Today is Father’s Day. The first one I will spend without my earthly father. No call today to hear that deep solemn yet cheerful voice and to find out the latest ins and outs of his life. Instead I will call my mother, brother, and sister and remember. Earlier this...

Do not be anxious…

About 4AM I was seeking consolation in the book of Job, unable to sleep due to a heavy heart. I was deep in the curse Job pronounced upon the day of his birth and found these beautiful and solemn words… “Let the stars of its dawn be dark; let it hope for light, but...

On our way…

Smokey downtown Jacksonville, FloridaBy the time you read this we will be in New York City for our...