Another quote…

So I am deep into my reading in preparation for my upcoming summer classes. I have two in June, and I am arranging an independent study on the Images of Ancient Israel—really looking forward to that one. The first class in June is on Apologetics and is being taught by...

The ecology of a design…

Hey all,Usually when Sarah puts her hand and mind on a design she has some idea of how that design may be used…but not always. It’s exciting to see what you’ve designed go from sketches on a page to a final physical item, something you can hold in...

An award earned…

It’s great to get appreciation for your work. Sarah recently received a design award for work she did last summer for Campus Crusade for Christ’s National Staff Conference. “Graphic Design: USA” or “GD:USA” annually gives out...

A “WOW quote

Was in Systematic Theology class today and my professor shared this extended quote on the nature of Christ as both 100% God and 100% man. It’s a good quote and wanted to share it with you:“He was tempted as man, but he conquered as God; yea, he bids us be of...

Spring is springing

Hey Friends,Sarah went out to our small backyard the other day and smelled the jasmine before she saw it, and she was quite excited. We planted two jasmine bushes flanking our back gate over two years ago and only this year are we seeing the flowers, called...